Player Registration
Player Registration Information
Player registration is open - November 1, 2024 & Closes January 31, 2025
Player registration process:
- Player registration is done at the website
- Click “Minor” or “U21”
- Click “player registration page”
*Players must be on a roster prior to registering
*Players who register and do not have a team to play for will not be refunded
Players looking for a team
- Players looking for a team to play in the championships but does not have a team to plat for please visit the website
- click on the “minor"
- then click “players looking for a team” enter player information and press the “submit” button.
*This does not guarantee that the player will get on a team
Player registration fee:
- Players playing in a Hockey Alberta sanctioned league for the 2024-2025 season $30.00 per player
- Players NOT playing in a Hockey Alberta sanctioned league for the 2024-2025 season $65.00 per player